Aoyama the Legendary Nasu: novembre 2012

mardi 20 novembre 2012

Game: "Who am I?"

Hi hiiiii

Today, I decided to post some fanart I made. But I won't tell you who they are right now. It's only the sketch. But later, if you are nice, I'll put the ink version and if you are very very veeery nice, the version with the colours. Or, you pick up the one you prefer and I do it.

So, let's play a little game. It will be easy. You can ask for some clues if you need.
Oh and for you who are very smart, I change the name of the file so you can't find them thanks the "Page HTML Code" eheh I'm smart to sometime...
- "Not very often then ..."
-"Eh what?! Ikami how dare you!!! "

Anyway First one:Easy!

Second :



mardi 13 novembre 2012

H.A.T: "Sort the Laptop"

The new strip is done. Finally!!

I said "finally" because I took too much time this time...More than I should! Not because it was difficult but because I lost too easily my focus...Everytime I started somthing on it *nasof~* I went to do something else as watching a video, going on DeviantArt, looking for new songs and them sing them and dance on them's kinda like this 四コマ。。。 the new 四コマ ^^/

Do you have this problem too or am I the only one?

dimanche 11 novembre 2012


Hi! I haven't post anything at least since 2 weeks haven't I? Sorry...I hope you'll forgive me....>.<
So I know it's not the usual day but I post a drawing today. Don't worry! It won't mean that there is nothing coming Tuesday. You'll have a new "H.A.T 四コマ(yonkoma)".

Anyway, this drawing looks simple. It's a character I made for one of my student Ninon. She made a very nice story. She made 4 plate story. As she wasn't able to draw the last page (because of time) I did it. If I remember well, Ninon calls this character "She-devil Isa"...I'll ask her to tell me if I'm right...(No Isa, it's not my fault ...Ninon choose that name >.<)

Who's is the she devil Isa? She is the Apple's Guardian. Maybe the colors don't match with what Ninon think about....Maybe you'll be able one day through her blog to see her story.

One day - very soon - I'll talk about my Love for prepared....I think all my students know how much I love Sony...