Aoyama the Legendary Nasu: Pikachu FanArt - Acrylic Painting

jeudi 26 avril 2012

Pikachu FanArt - Acrylic Painting

I start this painting one week ago. Before I went at Loctudy and I finished it last night.
The first one and not the only one I think..... It's very funny work with acrylic.

I decided to paint some fanart to sell them. All I'll make will be "unique"
Do you think it will work? Will you  buy this one if you can? Well....I'll see on the exhibitions.

Tell me what you think about this first painting? 

4 commentaires:

  1. Tropppppp mais vraiment troooooooooop mignooooooooooonnnnn !!!!!!! (o^v^o)

  2. J'adore les ombres degradés a l'acrylique ca rend top
    l'aubergine est trop bien faite!
    Un ptit mog acrylique je prendrais bien:-D

  3. Je note je note ;)
    Il y en a beaucoup qui sont en attente. Pour l'heure, je dois finir Kon >.<
